Ketogenic diet for beginners: lose weight in a healthy way!

22. 04. 2022

”The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.”  Mark Twain

If you are looking to lose weight in a healthy way, discover the principles of the ketogenic diet for beginners.

The ketogenic diet is based on causing the body to go into ketosis without fasting. This makes ketones the body’s main fuel. Since ketones are produced by the liver breaking down fat, it is a fast and effective way to burn fat in the body. 

Knowing how to start a keto diet will allow you to start this at the time you decide, without further delay. And with effective results from the first days. 

Combine a ketogenic diet with healthy lifestyle habits and exercise for better results in less time. 

Following a step-by-step ketogenic diet does not require you to have a guide to menus, foods, and daily amounts. First of all, you need to know its fundamental rules. In case you are wondering how to start a keto diet, you should know which foods are allowed and which are prohibited. 

However, it is recommended that when you start a ketogenic diet for beginners, you are strict in its compliance to really achieve the goals you want. Doing it halfway won’t do you any good.


Types of ketogenic diets 

There are several types of ketogenic diets, among which can be mentioned: 

Standard ketogenic diet. It is an eating plan very low in carbohydrates, with a moderate intake of protein, and high in fat. With this variant, 75% fat, 20% protein, and only 5% carbohydrates are consumed. 

Cyclical ketogenic diet. This plan includes more frequent carb eating periods, for example, 5 days of keto foods followed by 2 days of carbs. 

Adapted ketogenic diet. With this modality, it is allowed to add carbohydrates on sports training days. 

High protein ketogenic diet. It is similar to a standard ketogenic diet, the difference is that it includes more protein. With this type of keto diet, you consume 60% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbohydrates. 

It is noteworthy that only the standard and high-protein ketogenic diets have been the subject of extensive study. On the other hand, cyclical or adapted diets are more advanced methods and are mainly used by athletes.


Key principles for those considering how to start a keto diet 

As I said, the ketogenic diet refers to a food model whose main mission is the creation of ketone bodies, metabolic compounds generated in the liver in response to the lack of energy reserves. This diet is related to the drastic reduction of carbohydrates and their replacement by fats, which exposes the body to a metabolic state called ketosis, where the body, running out of energy reserves, has to resort to fats to use them as fuel. 

The keto diet lowers blood sugar and insulin levels and causes a transition in the body’s metabolism in which carbohydrates are replaced by fats and ketones.

Knowing the allowed foods is key to knowing how to start the ketogenic diet. This is mainly based on the consumption of proteins from meat, fish, or shellfish and nutritional quality fats. Knowing which foods are prohibited, is essential when considering how to start the ketogenic diet. 

Starches, cereals, or sugars are not allowed in this diet.

Carbohydrate intake is limited on a beginner ketogenic diet. It is recommended as an ideal goal that the intake of these does not exceed 20 grams per day. And in no case exceed 50 grams daily. Approximately 5% of energy in the diet should come from carbohydrates. 

  • Between 15-25% of energy on the keto diet should come from protein. 
  • 75% of food intake on the ketogenic diet should come from nutritional quality fats.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol as well as sugar-free diet foods. 
  • Good fats like olive oil or nuts butter are allowed. 
  • Avoid the consumption of margarine. 


Following a ketogenic diet should not be prolonged for life! 


Always keep in mind that a ketogenic diet for beginners should not last for many weeks. It is about adopting this as an impulse so that the body begins to burn fat and lose weight effectively. But it is not adequate food for life. Next, you should adopt a healthy, balanced diet that is appropriate to your caloric expenditure to maintain the results obtained and enjoy a healthy body weight in the long term. 

If you are wondering how to start a keto diet and you have doubts, the menus will help you adopt it effectively. Avoid consuming prohibited foods at all costs and, when in doubt, restrict the consumption of fruit. You will begin to notice its benefits very soon.


Improve your exercise and health performance – hire a personal trainer in Dubai! 

If you practice a healthy lifestyle or want to lose some weight, you must work on your diet and exercise plan. Good thing is that you can get real advice about the right diet and exercise from an expert, such as a professional trainer.

No matter if you live or come to Dubai, a professional personal trainer is there to help you with a balanced diet and type of training for you. 

Regardless are you for online training or live training in the gym, you simply can choose.

A professional personal trainer in Dubai determines the ideal program of diet and exercise for you. At the individual level.

Bring your body to perfection, because you don’t deserve less!

So feel free to call and schedule your first training, which is free.

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