What to eat before and after training?

18. 03. 2022

A properly balanced diet has a positive effect on the health and the effectiveness of training. It is well known that if you eat certain foods before and after training, you can recover your muscles and affects their growth, accelerate the melting of fat deposits, improve athletic potential, physical constitution, and health.

“When you have a lot of work to do, eat first.”

The difference between a top athlete full of energy and good mood and an average exerciser who finds it difficult to train and who feels tired in the days after exercise is sometimes not in the choice of discipline and intensity of exercise.



Remember this:

What you drink and eat before and after training plays a key role in the preparation and recovery of your body!

So if you want to know how to use the full potential of training and proper nutrition, you should know what to eat before and after training.


Improve your health and exercise performance before training with the right food

If you are going to start a machine like your body, you must first provide it with fuel through appropriate food.

Optimal intake of nutrients before training not only helps you exercise better but also significantly reduces the percentage of possible muscle injuries in training.

Adequate nutrition before training should contain nutrients that give you the energy and strength needed for quality training.

Experts believe that carbohydrates before training are the right solution, as well as that proteins after training are the best option.

It is best to eat a meal before training in the period from about 1-2 hours before training because in that way the food is digested better, after which part of the blood from the stomach goes to your muscles.

If we speak about carbs, complex carbohydrates before training are the best fuel for your muscles to work. Some examples include oatmeal, brown rice, whole-grain bread, and pasta.

Also, pre-workout protein intake increases protein synthesis in your muscles. By eating protein before training, you can improve muscle recovery after training, as well as increase the strength and performance of your muscles. It is necessary to give preference to those that are slowly absorbed. You can consume lean meat, eggs, or casein.

The general recommendation is that men should eat about 30 g of protein, 40 g of carbohydrates, and a maximum of 10 g of fat before training. Women should eat about 20 g of protein, 25 g of carbs, and a maximum of 5 g of fat before training.



Post-workout foods are key to your body’s recovery

What you eat immediately after leaving the gym will affect the protein synthesis that takes place a few hours after the exercise is over, so it will also affect the development of muscles and their recovery.

After you finish your workout, your glycogen stores are depleted and need to be “replenished” to prevent your own muscles from breaking down. That is why carbohydrates are the first food that needs to be taken after exercise. Simple carbohydrates after training allow your body to quickly and efficiently replenish depleted glycogen reserves.

The combination of protein (protein shake) with fast-absorbing carbohydrates is the recommended meal that should be taken no later than 30 minutes after exercise.

The best protein after exercise is whey protein which is quickly absorbed.

After training, men should consume up to 30 g of protein and 100 g of carbohydrates, without fat intake. Women after training should eat up to 20 g of protein and 70 g of carbohydrates, without fat intake.



* The recommended supplements you should take if you train include:

  • Creatine
  • Glutamine
  • BCAA

The best thing about all this is that every organism is different and that we all have different needs and preferences. It should also be noted that any changes in diet should not be experimented with on the day of training!

Improve your exercise and health performance – hire a personal trainer!

If you exercise, you can get real advice about diet and exercise from an expert, such as a professional trainer.

No matter if you live or come to Dubai, a professional personal trainer is there to help you with a balanced diet and the right exercise plan. Regardless are you for online training or live training in the gym, there is an option for everyone.

A professional personal trainer in Dubai determines the ideal program of diet and exercise for you.

So feel free to call and schedule your first training, which is free.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” 

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