Why don’t you see results in the gym? These are the reasons!

15. 04. 2022

“Right now, your competition is you in good training.”

It is demotivating when we train daily and take care of our diet but do not see results. Does it sound familiar to you? Today I will explain to you the top 4 reasons why you may not be seeing the results in the gym that you expected.

TOP 4 reasons why you don’t see results in the gym 


1. You are not following a training plan

If what you have in mind is to achieve specific goals, your thing would be for you to think about how you are going to achieve them. You will not practice the same routines if you want to lose weight as if you want to develop certain muscles or prepare to run a marathon. 

Planning your routine will bring you pure benefits, such as perfecting your technique, avoiding skipping stretches or repetitions, discovering new practices, having realistic expectations regarding the results, or even motivating yourself to go to the gym. 

I suggest that you design your training plan before the week begins, so you face Monday with inspiration. And if you seek the help of a professional trainer, even better. Tell him your purposes, your difficulties, and your tastes to adapt your routine and, in this way, achieve your goals. 


2. You always practice the same routine

Maybe you started going to the gym recently and, for example, discovered that you liked running. Well, you probably noticed results within the first few months, but suddenly you realized that everything was the same: no improvement. Do not be scared, this is normal because your body has gotten used to this new demand. The body needs new stimuli and challenges to become more efficient and improve its condition. To achieve this, try alternating speeds or programs on the treadmill, discover other weight-lifting routines, or try a new sport.


3. You are unrealistic with your expectations

Remember that Rome was not built in a day. It would not be very real that you expect results in the gym if you fail in the constancy, frequency, or intensity of your exercises. To avoid moments of frustration that can take you away from your goal, set some short-term and long-term goals. For example, you’re more likely to notice changes in your stamina than in your appearance. Try to control several factors at the same time to calm the anxiety of seeing the results in the gym as soon as possible.


4. You only work out at the gym

It is clear that going to the gym or going for a run twice a week will help you maintain a healthy physical condition. However, this may not be enough. The great objective would be that you lead an active life both in the gym and outside of it. How? It’s easier than it sounds: Try adding short sequences of about ten to fifteen minutes of casual exercise to your daily tasks. For example, park your car a ten-minute walk from your destination or get off the bus one stop earlier than planned, climb stairs as often as you can, change speeds as you walk, or add a few squats before taking your shoes off when you get home.


When do you see the results of the gym? 

Of course, each body has its own metabolism, so each person will see results at different times. There are people who have it easier, and others whose bodies are more resistant to change. In general, if we train between 3 and 4 times a week, we can see results from the gym after two months. We hope that these reasons will help you improve your results in the gym. 

Remember: short goals to achieve big goals. Success! If you have any questions to resolve, remember that you can contact me.


A personal trainer in Dubai can help you achieve your goals in the gym

Today we live in a world where days pass very quickly, we don’t have time for ourselves, we always have some work schedules, lack of motivation, etc. But my advice is to never give up and believe that taking care of your health is compatible with this way of life. 

A professional personal trainer in Dubai adapts to your schedules and devises useful and varied exercises. 

It has never been easier to train than today!

A personal trainer is there to determine realistic goals that you will achieve as quickly as possible.

Are you for online training or live training in the gym? You can choose where you feel more comfortable. Your personal trainer in Dubai is here to give you the best advice about exercise and diet.

So book an appointment today and provide yourself with an optimal training program! And one more thing – your first training is free!

Contact For Schedule: +971585633493